Monday, February 28, 2011

A meat eater in Delhi...

For all you beef loving Americans that are planning a trip to India, this is a warning tale. All seems fine as you walk through the airport  and see the familiar signs of American fast food domination; McDonald, Subway, Dominos, Kentucky fried chicken.... They're all there. But it is a ruse Dear Reader, because you're in for rude awakening. Let me tell what you're in for...

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Case of the Missing Tea Spoons

One of the last of it's kind...
     Stuff disappears. It’s a Law of the Universe right? Things just randomly disappear. Happens to everyone. Give you an example you say? Socks readily come to mind. I mean I don't doubt that there's a secret sock world which is only accessible through a special portal - the dryer. Scientists are still working on it but you get the point. Things disappear and believe it or not there are a set of unspoken rules that allow things to stay ‘disappeared’. I know, I know. It’s hard to believe but it’s true and I tell you, Dear Readers, that there is a disturbance in the force lately. Nearly all of our lovely teaspoons have gone missing and action needs to be taken! 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Best Decision I Made All Day...

    As happens a lot lately, after we put the girls to bed, they stay up for a little while and talk to each other, which I am OK with if it doesn't go on too long (30 minutes or so is not bad). After 20-30 minutes I will stop in and lightly tell them to go to sleep but caution them that the next time I come back I will be "mean". That usually does it, but tonight they were already on two such visits and I could still hear them talking away from my seat on the couch downstairs. Big Bang Theory was on so I didn't do anything... until I heard the pitter-patter of little feet on the floor and that did it. I climbed the stairs two at a time, my anger climbing up my throat with each step, ready to let out a vengeful "Go To Bed" roar! I was about to grab the handle and throw the door open, when for some reason I stopped and listened. I tell you Dear Readers, it was the best decision I made all day. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Between the what? read here to find out what the F$%^ that means...

Any of you ever played jacks when you were a kid? You  know, the game with the little metal spikey things (see picture) and a super ball? Ringing any bells yet? Well for those of you that have, you know that it was pretty fun. My sister and I used to play jacks in the upstairs hallway when we were kids. It had nice hardwood floors so you could get a really good bounce. Of course the bounce went wild sometimes and headed off down the stairs, or the cat took off after it, but usually things went fine. I really liked playing that game with her and, if I may add, I usually kicked her butt (she will of course say otherwise!). Well I have a revelation for you. Jacks is like life... and if you give a few minutes, I can explain.